Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ready, break.

i'm going to take a few minutes to take my mind off studying
and finals
to blog about my day.

i spent a lot of time studying.

and then i took a break to go on a double date
with katie & trevor
and chase.

it was a good time.
i admire and respect guys that ask on dates.
it's how it should be, really.
instead of always "hanging out"
people really should be asking on dates more!

it was so fun.
and creative.

i had a great time
taking a break from all this school stuff.

tomorrow is a busy day.
but i can do it.
i will do it.
and it will be a good day.
it will be good to get two more finals over with
and then be done with school for three whole weeks.
it will be okay to sit at work,
because i'll have no problem falling asleep right after.
it will be good to not stay up so late.

life is good.
happy holidays.

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