Friday, August 17, 2012

book club central

ahhh you have to read
i am intelligent by peyton and dianne goddard.

seriously, people.

it's about this girl who has autism and many other "disabilities."
she had no body control, nor was she able to speak for 21 years.
doctors couldn't really do much for her and she pretty much just had crazy outbursts and did really wacky and outrageous things.

but at 22, she was introduced to a doctor that changed everything. she was given this machine (called--facilitated communication/FC) where you can type with one finger into a computer of sorts.
she typed: i am intelligent.

the entire life of this woman was spent being viewed by others as severely disabled, and pretty much completely neglected (aside from her incredible parents/family). she was the "crazy girl" that everyone stares at and turns their head from.

little did ANYBODY know that she was completely aware of everything going on around her for 21 years. she understood everything people said, did, and the way they acted around her. she IS intelligent. and has the most brilliant mind. she is able to recount her life now that she has this machine. the way she speaks/writes is brilliantly poetic, and i just want to hang all of her quotes on my wall.

i'm not even done with this book, but i already know that everyone needs to read it. i don't know if you'll enjoy it as much as me, but i don't know how you couldn't.

this is exactly why i want to be a teacher. this is exactly why i want to teach "special needs." quite frankly, i believe the children/people we categorize into being "special needs" are really able to teach us how to be better, more compassionate, more understanding, more loving, more accepting, more genuine people.

and that's how i see it.

yours truly,

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