Monday, November 7, 2011

i love sundays

today i was proud.

i went to church all by myself.

all my friends were being dumb or gone.
so i walked over in the morning alone.

but i loved it,
because i realized how many people i know and love in my ward.
and got to know some of the people that i didn't,
because i wasn't busy with people i already knew well.

a bunch of cute boys came and sat next to me.
and i got to have my back tickled.
and i had a great conversation with a guy that i'm excited to get to know more.

i came home and went on a walk with my wonderful roommate, jo.
i adore her.
we have a lot of differences, but are similar in so many ways.
she is just unreal.
she is so motivated it's ridiculous.
go jo.

i came home and napped.
i love sundays.

went to a fireside with callie and aj.
we watched a broadcast of president boyd k. packer.
he is one of my very favorite apostles.
(no offense to the other 11).

his talk was AMAZING.

came back and made brownies for some good friends in the apartment complex.
boys and their food....
we apartment hopped and delivered them to various people.
it's fun to have so many people to go and hang out with when i'm bored.

i feel bad.
i forgot that my sweet friend, lyndsey, texted me and told me she would be coming by tonight.
i forgot and didn't have my phone on me for a good two hours.
shout out to lyndsey: i'm sorry. agjdkl;djfa;skldfj

who does that?
i hate flaking on people. and i hate when plans fall through.
so that was bad on my part.

later a ton of us played this fun game called "the game of things."
in 5B.
it's hilarious.

look at these gems brynne brought back from salt lake:

her and i were friends in the 90's.

we really haven't changed.


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