Saturday, December 31, 2011

bargain shopper

what a fun day i enjoyed today!

i went to the DI
to look for decor for my apartment.
i ended up buying a huge bag of clothes..
who would have known that the DI is almost like a boutique in disguise?

i'm serious.

i was rummaging through the racks and came across
blazers and blouses galore.
yes, there were PLENTY of ugly ones,
but i was able to come away with many that are extremely in style.

many people don't understand that the fashion that was around twenty years ago...
is very much back.

i wore a shirt that i bought today out on the town tonight.
don't worry that i got multiple compliments from various people
"i LOVE your shirt."

...two bucks at the thrift store.

i'm telling you, people.

i now know where i'm going to be shopping.

tonight i went to 
mission impossible
with brooklin.

i didn't get to put my feet up, because the theater was packed,
but it was all good.

i went out to buy a drink,
and when i tried to get back in the theater,
the guy almost wouldn't let me because i didn't have my ticket.
it took much convincing and me talking very slow and enunciating my words
before he finally caved and let me in.
but he still didn't believe i bought a ticket.
i was a little bothered.

the movie was great!
i'm not a tom cruise fan by any means,
so i didn't know how much i'd enjoy the movie...
but i actually liked it a lot!
good use of time.

we had fun walking around for an hour in the cold
searching for my dad's car (that i borrowed)
in the underground parking lot.
i had absolutely no idea where we parked
and we looked like fools aimlessly wandering.
people questioned our motives.


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